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of McDaniel students who apply to law school are accepted.

Getting Ready

金沙js6038致力于在三个关键方面帮助你追求法律事业:决定法学院是否是你的正确选择, getting into law school, and gaining the skills to succeed in law school.

Maryland Student Legislature Spring 2022


Academic & Real-World Exposure to Legal Fields

金沙js6038独特地位于地方,州和国家政府的席位附近. 你不仅有机会在课堂上学习立法和诉讼, 还要遵守马里兰州威斯敏斯特第五巡回法院的法律, the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis, the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., and more.

金沙js6038150年的历史建立了一个庞大的金沙js6038和同事网络, including sitting judges and civil rights lawyers, who frequently offer lectures, events, and classes at the college. In 2016, 当时的全国有色人种协进会主席兼民权律师康奈尔·威廉·布鲁克斯就“黑人的命也重要”运动和马里兰州上诉法院法官琳恩·巴塔利亚就性别问题举行了演讲, sexuality, and the law. In 2017, 讲座由著名民权律师维克多·麦克提尔(金沙js603869届毕业生)和詹姆斯·贝尔主持, as well as Judge Mary Ellen Barbera, the first female Chief Judge of Maryland’s highest court.

Crafting a Competitive Application

We support you in building your academic record, 准备法学院入学考试(LSAT),整理申请材料,让你被法学院录取. 法学院的录取主要关注申请人的LSAT分数, GPA, and letters of recommendation. At McDaniel, 法律预科的学生不需要固定的课程,他们可以追求自己的学术兴趣和优势, allowing them to maximize their GPA. To aid LSAT preparation, McDaniel provides advising, workshops, 和练习测试,以帮助学生最大限度地提高他们的LSAT分数. 金沙js6038的小文科环境优先考虑教师和学生之间的密切关系, meaning our professors are able to write highly effective, personalized letters. Finally, 我们的法律预科顾问在申请过程中提供个人咨询和小组研讨会, 并且很乐意帮助学生选择未来的法学院,并就个人陈述和其他申请论文提供反馈.

Graduate Ready to Succeed

我们确保你离开金沙js6038需要在法学院取得成功的学术技能. 法学院一直报告说,进入法学院最好的准备是广泛的文科教育,重点是培养批判性思维的技能, logical reasoning, verbal and oral communication, as well as exposure to the politics, history, and values that underlie American legal institutions. The McDaniel Plan ensures students this exposure, 法律预科课程提供了额外的推荐课程列表,这些课程将使学生接触法律写作和研究, debating, court opinions, international law, and other legal topics.

Your Pre-Law Advisors Personalized Counseling Each Step of the Way

Dr. Kathryn Dobson

Dr. 凯瑟琳·多布森在英语系教授法律写作和日常话语方法. She has worked as a consultant for D.C. area law firms and is recognized for her scholarship.

Dr. Matthew Mongiello 

Dr. 马修·蒙吉罗在政治科学和国际研究系教授宪法. 他是东北法律预科顾问协会的成员.

Pre-Law Support

McDaniel’s Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO) offers a wide array of services, including panels with legal professionals, networking events, internship matching, job shadowing, visits to area law schools, scholarship information, mock interviews, and more. As part of the McDaniel Commitment, 首席执行官保证将为学生提供体验式学习机会,帮助他们为进入法学院做准备.

法律预科课程提供LSAT准备和法学院申请流程的研讨会. 该计划还协调了lsat练习测试,以帮助学生提高考试的舒适度和效率.

Additionally, 经济援助办公室为学生提供毕业咨询,帮助他们了解专业学校对他们的本科经济援助意味着什么.

A Pre-Law Society for You Join the McDaniel Pre-Law Society

金沙js6038的法律预科社团允许对法律职业感兴趣的学生建立关系网, stay up to date on law-related events, and organize group study.

Jasmin Chavez standing outside on campus.

Experiences in Law 小金沙js6038入选了著名的暑期法律课程


Photo of alumni Diego Weiner sitting on a couch.

Alumni Spotlight Diego Weiner ’13 Exceptional Outcomes

13岁的刑事辩护律师迭戈·韦纳(Diego Weiner)先是在金沙js6038获得了政治学和国际研究的基础,然后进入法学院,在他父亲位于迈阿密的律师事务所继承了家族遗产. When legal cases take him abroad, 他的全球知识和对刑事辩护的热情成为寻求整个故事的宝贵工具.